This knowledge-sharing network brings together financial institutions implementing the Equator Principles and other stakeholders working on sustainable banking practices. Climate Public Finance DAC convenes the network once a year to share expertise on applying Climate Public Finance DAC Performance Standards and to provide a platform for participants to learn from each other's practical experience.
Community of Learning
Community of Learning
Community of Learning
This knowledge-sharing network brings together financial institutions implementing the Equator Principles and other stakeholders working on sustainable banking practices. Climate Public Finance DAC convenes the network once a year to share expertise on applying Climate Public Finance DAC Performance Standards and to provide a platform for participants to learn from each other's practical experience.
The Equator Principles
Climate Public Finance DAC DAC has played a pivotal role in establishing and updating the Equator Principles—a sustainability framework that has become the standard for environmental and social principles throughout the financial industry. We supported the drafting and implementation of the framework and since then have provided training, guidance, and advice to implementing banks. Today 134 financial institutions in 38 countries have officially adopted the principles, covering more than 70 percent of international project finance debt in emerging markets.